The first edition of this year is already on the market. Main topic is about RES internet auction on 30th December 2016. We make analysis of technical problems on Internet Auction Platform and reflects on possible scenarios for this situation, based on comments of biogas specialists.
January edition of magazine include factual knowledge, expert comments, summary of 2016 biomass sector, biomass news from Poland & whole world.
Besides that we recommend report about briquettes market and business opportunities offered by this fuel. We encourage you to read the next article from „Pellet in practice” series – this time we describe possible problems when you make changes of settings on pellet boiler controller.
In „Energy from Waste” we describe advantages of alternative fuel RDF in Poland, and also we present a good example of Installation drying sewage sludge.
Latest changes in the regulations about use of digestate, explains Dr Alina Kowalczyk – Jusko from the University of Life Sciences in Lublin. Local community protests against the building of biogas plants and their effective prevention, descirbe Mariusz Wawer from Deloitte company.
We recommend interview with Dr Wojciech Cichy from Wood Technology Institute in Poznań about energy wood subject.