Organized by „Biomass Magazine” and UPEBI workshop „Practically about biogas” are more popular. Aldready almost 40 people confirm their presence at the Hotel Ossa. We anticipate participation maximum of 100 people.
Practical arrangements of the workshop present agenda for two-day meeting in Rawa Mazowiecka. The speakers, among whom will be leading Polish specialists of biogas industry, will spoke about crucial issues connected with design, construction and exploitation of biogas plants.
Workshops „Practically about biogas”
27-28 March 2017, Ossa Hotel
Sylwia Koch-Kopyszko, The Union of Producers and Employers of Biogas Industry (UPEBI)
1. Investment Planning – From Design to Implementation
- Selection of Location – Analysis of the Available Substrates, Substrates Supply Options,
Energy Grid Access, Heating Network Access, Digestate Waste Management; - Silage corn – facts and myths;
- Attaining Social Acceptance for the Planned Investment;
- Design Concept for a Biogas Plant – Key Components of a Biogas Plant; Analysis of the Process Options; Biogas Plant Integrated with another Enterprise; Biogas Plant within an Energy Cluster; Alternative use for Biogas;
- Profitability Analysis;
- Obtaining the Funds – Subsidies, Loans, Loan Subsidies;
- Renewable Energy Sources: Auctioning – Permissible Public Assistance for the Biogas Plants, Calculation of Auction Bidding Prices, Conclusions after the First Auction;
- Obtaining the Required Formal-Legal Permissions, Before Commencing the Construction Works;
- Contracts Required for proper Operation of a Biogas Plant;
- Tax Issues related to Operation of a Biogas Plant.
2. Structure and Operation of a Biogas Plant
- Selection of the General Contractor and Process Variants, of Key Meaning for the Project’s Success;
- Schedule of the Investment Implementation;
- Action Plan for Launching the Plant;
- Optimization of Operation for Biogas Plants;
- Laboratory and Process Support;
- Process Monitoring and Interference Countermeasures;
- Repairs and Maintenance for an Operable Biogas Plant;
- Biogas Plant Safety and Insurance (OHS, Fire, Accident and Civil Liability);
- Using the Digestate;
- Optimization of the Sales Process Regarding the Electricity and Heat;
- Sales-Purchasing Platform for Energy and Certificates of Origin;
- Limiting the Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Saving the Primary Energy;
- Delivery of the Substrates – Logistics
* The workshop program can be changed. The organizers are in the process to confirm the participation of speakers. The event foresees the participation of 100 people.
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