In January session rating conducted by Polish Power Exchange, there was consecutive price decrease of green certificates and lowest trading volume for last months.
The average price of green certificates in Polish Power Exchange fell 3 times in last year. At the beginning of 2016 session rating amounted to 114.77 PLN / MWh, while in January 2017, the price fell to 37.98 PLN / MWh. Pay attention to last month recorded about the lowest turnover, which amounted less then 410GWh of energy. In December 2016, the average price of green certificates was on the level 38.77 PLN / MWh, while the previous month was 42,71 PLN / MWh.
In off-session rating transactions, the avarage price in last month was on the level 113,05 PLN / MWh. It was lower by 12 PLN / MWh, compared to the December price. In 545 executed transactions noted in January, the volume of trading amounted to 1 352.7 GWh.
Currently in the February certificates rating in Polish Power Exchange, the price of energy in index OZEX_A amounted to 37.79 PLN / MWh (in 9th February). Higher price was observed in Polish Power Exchange in session rating transactions – at the level of 90.52 PLN / MWh.
Transactions made in January for sale of green certificates in the forward market, match the production of 31 GWh of electricity. Obtained average prices oscillated beetwen 37 and 39 PLN / MWh.
Green Certificates are one of the main sources of income for operators of wind farms, hydroelectric and solar power stations (start work before 1 July 2016). It is right after energy sale.
Photo: TGE
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