We would like to invite at the end of January for open workshops „Farm biogas plant in the new auction system – 2017” in Poznań.
Programme: potential of the Polish biogass market, biogas production technology from Finnish company Ductor Corp – presentation, auction for farm biogas plants in 2017 and the financing models for biogas plants.
For participants provided lunch (cost covered by the organizer).
Date and palce of workshops:
31 January 2017, in IBB Andersia Hotel ****,
Plac Andersa 3, 61-894 Poznań,
10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (registration 9:30 a.m.).
Registration need before workshop:
– by email info@eosa.pl
– by phone +48 (61) 671 0800
Limited number of places
Partners: DUCTOR and Auction System Operator
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