After 1st October there will not be able to buy stoves colloquially called „kopciuch – sloven”. Jadwiga Emilewicz, Deputy Minister of Development announced that the government will support the poorest, who want to replace the old device for a new one – 5th class.
In public television „TVP Info”, the deputy minister talk about not very effective fighting against smog for over 20 years in Poland. Better effects in less time will bring government plans against smog. First aassume financial support to the poorest citizens, who use the cheapest heating stoves. It will be refundation even to 80% of costs. Then make new law standards for boilers in autumn.
Deputy Minister indicated that the most popular stoves in polish market are colloquially called „kopciuch” – „sloven”, the cheapest, where „you can actually burn everything.” As she reported, now in Poland there is about 5.5 million this kind of stoves. Cheap stove cost about 1 200 PLN, and the boiler with 5th class emission cost about 6 000 -8 000 PLN. At the same time, we assume that the price of these kind of stoves should fall, because when the market demand rise, then the price should automatically fall – she added in „TVP Info”.
Emilewicz provides that resort development will finish work on Regulation about „The quality of boilers”, before the heating season this year. Low classes stoves should no be in stores after 1st October.
Source: TVP INFO
Photo: Ministry of Development