21.05.2024 (Tuesday)
08:30-09:30 Registration, welcome coffee
09:45 Opening of the 7th Biomethane Congress
09:45-10:00 Keynote speech: Biomethane market in Poland: inwestor’s perspective, prof. Jacek Dach Poznań University of Life Sciences
10:00-11:15 National energy mix of the future – the role of biogas and biomethane. Discussion panel with experts. Moderation: Jolanta Kamińska, Magazyn Biomasa
11:15-11:35 „Magazyn Biomasa” award ceremony
11:40-13:40 Site event: Biomethane workshop by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in Poland
11:35 – 12:35 Session I: Biomethane as a fuel for sustainable transport
- Towards climate neutrality – the path of decarbonization of transport in the EU Anna Venturini, European Biogas Association
- EU transport goals and national reality, Zygmunt Gzyra, Polish Chamber of Biofuels
- Emission limits in the transport sector as the main factor in the development of the biomethane market in Poland, Katarzyna Konowrocka, Polish LNG & bioLNG Platform
- Certification of biomethane on the European market, Klaus Völler, German Energy Agency
12:35-13:35 Goal: zero-emission transport. Discussion panel with experts. Moderation: Maciej Roik, Magazyn Biomasa
13:35-14:45 Lunch
14:45-16:00 Session II: Upgrading, compression and liquefaction of biomethane – solutions available on the Polish market
- Formal and operational requirements for cogeneration units – comparison for biogas plants and biomethane plants, Krzysztof Maciąg, TEDOM Poland
- Advanced biogas upgrading installations and services,
Jean-René Pouzin, Prodeval - DESOTEC’s innovative solution in the biogas market: circular economy of activated carbon with high sulfur content, Radosław Wilczkowiak, Desotec
- The ONE-STOP-SHOP concept as a guarantee of high quality and comprehensiveness of the offered solutions in the field of biomethane and liquid bioCO2 production technology, Rafał Sojka, KWE AB Energy Polska
- Physinit® as an ideal material for the production of biogas mixer propellers, Marek Borkowski, KSB Polska
- Amine Upgrading, an integrative Value Chain for Biomethane production, Kristian Ehrenskjold Laursen, Ammongas
16:00-17:00 Biomethane: the latest trends and innovative solutions. Discussion panel with experts. Moderation: Lech Bojarski, Magazyn Biomasa
17:00-17:15 Coffee break
17:15-18:00 Session III: Support systems for biomethane – overview of the EU policy
- Biomethane in Germany: regulations – markets – best practices, Dirk Bonse, Fachverband Biogas
- Biomethane market in Italy, Nicola Bruni Zani, Pietro Fiorentini
- Denmark – synergy of agricultural and municipal waste, Michał Paca, Bioodpady.pl