8th Biomethane Congress
Earth Hall, Poznań Congres Center, May 20-21 2025

Buy a ticket for 8. Biomethane Congress

Poznań, May 20-21 May

Conference Programme

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Biomethane Congress

The eighth edition of the Biomethane Congress is coming in May 2025. This year the publisher of Magazyn Biomasa invites representatives of the biogas and biomethane sector to Earth Hall in Poznań on 20-21 May 2025. Due to the fast-growing interest in biomethane around the world, increased by the geopolitical situation and Russian aggression on Ukraine, Poland is also becoming more and more invested in this hot topic. Especially in the last months, the lawmakers seem to have noticed biomethane’s great potential and the role it can play in ensuring the country’s energy security. During the 8th Biomethane Congress we will look closely at this fascinating subject and try to answer the question of whether a breakthrough awaits us.

This industry meeting is for:

  • investors in new biogas plants
  • owners of operating biogas installations
  • technologists and managers of waste biogas plants and treatment plants
  • owners of large farms and agri-food processors
  • representatives of fuel, transport and energy-intensive industries
  • technology and equipment suppliers
  • energy sector representatives
  • Polish and European biogas associations
  • representatives of state and local government administration

Biomethane Congress in numbers

previous edition




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21.05.2024 (Tuesday)

08:30-09:30 Registration, welcome coffee

09:45 Opening of the 7th Biomethane Congress 

09:45-10:00 Keynote speech: Biomethane market in Poland: inwestor’s perspective, prof. Jacek Dach Poznań University of Life Sciences

10:00-11:15 National energy mix of the future – the role of biogas and biomethane. Discussion panel with experts. Moderation: Jolanta Kamińska, Magazyn Biomasa

11:15-11:35 „Magazyn Biomasa” award ceremony

11:40-13:40 Site event: Biomethane workshop by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in Poland

11:35 – 12:35 Session I: Biomethane as a fuel for sustainable transport

  1. Towards climate neutrality – the path of decarbonization of transport in the EU Anna Venturini, European Biogas Association
  2. EU transport goals and national reality, Zygmunt Gzyra, Polish Chamber of Biofuels
  3. Emission limits in the transport sector as the main factor in the development of the biomethane market in Poland, Katarzyna Konowrocka, Polish LNG & bioLNG Platform
  4. Certification of biomethane on the European market, Klaus Völler, German Energy Agency

12:35-13:35 Goal: zero-emission transport. Discussion panel with experts. Moderation: Maciej Roik, Magazyn Biomasa

 13:35-14:45 Lunch

14:45-16:00 Session II: Upgrading, compression and liquefaction of biomethane – solutions available on the Polish market

  1. Formal and operational requirements for cogeneration units – comparison for biogas plants and biomethane plants, Krzysztof Maciąg, TEDOM Poland
  2. Advanced biogas upgrading installations and services,
    Jean-René PouzinProdeval
  3. DESOTEC’s innovative solution in the biogas market: circular economy of activated carbon with high sulfur content, Radosław Wilczkowiak, Desotec
  4. The ONE-STOP-SHOP concept as a guarantee of high quality and comprehensiveness of the offered solutions in the field of biomethane and liquid bioCO2 production technology, Rafał Sojka, KWE AB Energy Polska
  5. Physinit® as an ideal material for the production of biogas mixer propellers, Marek Borkowski, KSB Polska
  6. Amine Upgrading, an integrative Value Chain for Biomethane production, Kristian Ehrenskjold Laursen, Ammongas

16:00-17:00 Biomethane: the latest trends and innovative solutions. Discussion panel with experts. Moderation: Lech Bojarski, Magazyn Biomasa

17:00-17:15 Coffee break

17:15-18:00 Session III: Support systems for biomethane – overview of the EU policy

  1. Biomethane in Germany: regulations – markets – best practices, Dirk Bonse, Fachverband Biogas
  2. Biomethane market in Italy, Nicola Bruni Zani, Pietro Fiorentini
  3. Denmark – synergy of agricultural and municipal waste, Michał Paca,


18:00-18:30 Session IV: Biomethane trends

  1. Energy efficiency of biomethane production, Paweł Jamrożek, Green Methane
  2. Beyond the energy – additional benefits for the industry from the biomethane production process, Marek Jedziniak, PhD, Biogas System

18:30-20:00 Aperitif and networking

20:00 Evening banquet



22 May 2024 (Wednesday)  

10:00-11:15 Biomethane in Poland – industry demands. Discussion panel with experts. Moderation: Beata Klimczak, Magazyn Biomasa

11:15-12:00 Session V: 2024 – new financial perspective for biomethane?  

  1. Subsidies from national and EU funds for biogas and biomethane plants, Adam Józef Kowalczyk, Fundacja Euro-Most

2. Investments in biomethane plants: key success factors from the investor’s perspective, Klaudiusz Nowotny, Nahtec Polska

3. How to effectively obtain a subsidy for a biogas plant or biomethane, Wojciech Nawrocki, Metropolis Doradztwo Gospodarcze

12:00-12:30 Coffee break  

12:30-13:45 Session VI: Production and sale of biomethane – polish and european market

  1. How much biomethane can we produce in Poland – implementation potential at the municipal level, Ewa Krasuska, PhD, National Center for Research and Development
  2. Chances and possibilities for biomethane in the distribution network Urszula Zając, Polska Spółka Gazownictwa
  3. Digital certification of biomethane Thorsten Rohling, Agriportance
  4. Certification and guarantee of origin of biomethane, Marek Kononowicz, Brysiewicz, Bokina i Wspólnicy

13:45-14:30 Session VII: Biofuels from waste

  1. Food waste – acquisition, regulations, barriers, Jakub Pulka, PhD, Poznań University of Life Sciences
  2. Biomethane as a key element of the green energy transition in Poland, Eugeniusz Dbaj, Łukasiewicz Research Network – New Chemical Syntheses Institute
  3. The potential of Power to X technology for the development of the biomethane market in Michał Sobczyk, European Energy

14:30 End of the 7th Biomethane Congress  

*programme may be subject to change

Partnership / Expo zone

The expo zone during the Biomethane Congress is a unique opportunity to present your offer to people interested in investing in biogas. Expo, as a supplement to the conference formula, is also a guarantee of reaching representatives of associations and think-tanks as well as representatives of public administration and the world of science. The unique exhibition of stands and targeted reach make it the most effective way to find new customers, as well as strengthen the position among the existing ones.

Sponsoring and exhibiting

  • Main Sponsor
  • Substantive Sponsor
  • Strategic Sponsor
  • Sponsor
  • Partner
  • In-person participation
  • Online participation

Standart participation

Online participation


  • online participation
  • acces to all presentations
  • translation
  • coffee breaks and lunch
  • networking
  • evening banquet

In-person participation


  • two- day conference&expo pass
  • acces to all presentations
  • coffee breaks and lunch
  • translation
  • networking, expo zone
  • evening banquet

Contact Us

Maciej Kosiński

+48 792 122 038

Beata Szczepaniak

+48 791 443 322

Honorata Janusz

+48 535 277 025

Jolanta Kamińska

+48 790 439 216

Maciej Roik

+48 507 786 173

Paweł Zygmanowski

+48 731 522 600

Substantive Sponsors


Strategic Sponsors



Media and Honourable Partners

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Biometan jest istotnym elementem transformacji energetycznej i dekarbonizacji gospodarki. Instalacji w Europie i na świecie regularnie przybywa. W podpoznańskich Brodach trwa rozruch pierwszej polskiej...

Jesteśmy gotowi na biometan! 7. Kongres Biometanu właśnie się rozpoczął

Polska wciąż czeka na pierwszy metr sześcienny biometanu. Wiemy już, że trwają prace nad kilkoma instalacjami w kraju. Znamy też przewidywane daty uruchomienia. Nie...

Register Now

8. Biomethane Congress 20-21 May 2025, Earth Hall, MTP Poznań Expo

Earth Hall, MTP Poznań Expo

Poznań Congress Center

Recommended hotels

Sheraton *****
Single room: 702,00 PLN
Double room: 810,00 PLN

Mercure Poznań Centrum ****
Single room: 550,00 PLN
Double room: 600,00 PLN

Novotel Centrum Poznań ****
Single room: 650,00 PLN
Double room: 710,00 PLN

Ibis Poznań Centrum ***
Single room: 500,00 PLN
Double room: 560,00 PLN

Altus ***
Single room: 300,00 PLN
Double room: 365,00 PLN


World Trade Center Poznan Accommodation Department 


Joanna Roś: 609 678 321

Hanna Pokorska-Dziekańska: 691 033 627



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