10th Pellet Forum & 3rd European Pellet Forum
Hotel Mercure, Gdynia
June 12-13, 2025

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12-13 JUNE, 2025, Gdynia

Conference Programme

check conference agenda

Pellet Forum

The jubilee edition of the largest meeting of the pellet industry in Poland will take place in a new, international formula. In cooperation with the European Pellet Council, Magazyn Biomasa invites you to the 3rd European Pellet Forum & 10th Pellet Forum, which will take place on June 12-13, 2025 at the Mercure Hotel in Gdynia.



Pellet Forum is a meeting place for producers and distributors of pellets and pellet boilers, technology suppliers, representatives of the energy and heating sectors, as well as local governments and industry associations. This is not only the most important industry conference in Poland, but also an opportunity to exchange experiences and discuss the most important issues of the domestic and European pellet market. 

The event is co-organized by the European Pellet Council (EPC) is the voice of the wood pellet sector in Europe. Founded in 2010 as an internal network of Bioenergy Europe, its members are national pellet associations or related organisations from 18 countries. EPC is active on topics such as the standardisation and certification of wood pellet quality, market monitoring, safety, security of supply, education and training, and the quality of pellet-using devices. EPC coordinates ENplus® the world-leading pellet quality certification.


Book your date today!

This conference is addressed to:

  • pellet producers and distributors
  • manufacturers of pellet boilers and stoves
  • representatives of companies from the wood, energy and heating sectors
  • suppliers of technologies and solutions for pellet factories
  • representatives of local governments and government administration

Pellet Forum 2024 in numbers




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10th Pellet Forum and 3rd European Pellet Forum Programme

12 June (Thursday)

8:30-9:30 Registration, networking over coffee

9:45-10:00 Opening of the Pellet Forum and the European Pellet Forum

10:00-11:00 Session I: Policy and regulations

  1. European pellet market – outlook, Representative of the European Pellet Council (TBC)
  1. European regulations for wood pellets, Representative of the European Pellet Council (TBC)
  1. Polish pellet market – production, potential, opportunities and barriers, Polish Pellet Council (TBC)

11:00-12:00 Panel discussion: New year – new opportunities or new threats to the pellet industry?

12:00-12:30 Coffee break

12:30-14:00 Session II: Pellet market in Poland and the EU – practical aspects

  1. Energy wood and EUDR and their impact on the Polish pellet market, TBC
  1. 2025 – changes in quality control of solid biofuels in Poland – a positive change?TBC
  1. Changes in pellet certification – ENplus scheme, Representative of the European Pellet Council (TBC)
  1. Pellet prices in Europe – stagnation, decline, growth?, TBC

14:00-15:00 Lunch


15:00-16:00 Session III: Pellet production technologies

16:00-16:30 Coffee break and networking

16:30-17:30 Panel discussion: Pellet market in EU countries – overview of solutions

20:00 Industry dinner


June 13 (Friday)

10:00-11:30 Session IV: Pellet boiler market

  1. Changes in the Ecodesign directive and tightening of emission standards for biomass boilers and the pellet market, TBC
  1. The pellet heating equipment market in Poland – current status and development forecasts, TBC
  1. Clean Air Program A.D. 2025 – a positive impulse for Polish market development?, TBC
  1. Innovation in action – new technologies in the boiler industry, TBC

11:30-12:00 Coffee break and networking

12:00-13:00 Panel discussion: 2025 – change in pellet supply logistics and consumer trends

13:00-14:00 Session V: Pellet factory A.D. 2025 – optimization, innovations, trends

  1. AI in wood processing and pellet production, TBC
  1. Solutions for pellet production optimization, TBC

14:00-14:30 Summary and conclusion of the conference



Partnership/Expo Zone

The expo zone during the Pellet Forum and European Pellet Forum is a unique opportunity to present your offer to people interested in investing in pellet. Expo, as a supplement to the conference formula, is also a guarantee of reaching representatives of associations and think-tanks as well as representatives of public administration and the world of technolgy. The unique exhibition of stands and targeted reach make it the most effective way to find new customers, as well as strengthen the position among the existing ones.

Full offer

  • Strategic Sponsor
  • Sponsor
  • Partner
  • In-person participation
  • Online participation

Our Offer

Online participation


  • online participation
  • acces to all presentations
  • translation
  • coffee breaks and lunch
  • networking
  • evening banquet

In-person participation


  • two-day conference pass
  • acces to all presentations
  • translation
  • coffee breaks and lunch
  • networking
  • evening banquet

Our team

Maciej Kosiński

+48 792 122 038

Beata Szczepaniak

+48 791 443 322

Honorata Janusz

+48 535 277 025

Jolanta Kamińska

+48 790 439 216

Maciej Roik

+48 507 786 173

Paweł Zygmanowski

+48 731 522 600


Partners and Sponsors

Media and Honoruable Partners

Read more about Pellet Forum

3. Europejskie Forum Pelletu & 10. Forum Pelletu. Do zobaczenia w czerwcu nad morzem!

Od 10 lat polska branża pelletowa spotyka się na największym w kraju wydarzeniu dla przedstawicieli sektora. W tym roku jubileuszowa edycja Forum Pelletu odbędzie...

Czy możemy się spodziewać pelletowego renesansu?

– Każdego roku globalnie produkowanych jest 15 mln t pelletu z certyfikatem ENplus – powiedział Manolis Karampinis, dyrektor w Bioenergy Europe. Kontynentem o największej...

Register Now

3rd European Pellet Forum & 10th Pellet Forum - Hotel Mercure, Gdynia

Hotel Mercure Gdynia

Hotel room price list

June 12

Single room

493,31 PLN

June 13

Single room

493,31 PLN

Booking a room at the hotel

  1. Reservations can be made through the Witaj w ALL – Accor Live Limitless website. Reservation using the promotional code BIOMASS
  2. Reservations can be made as usual, quoting the password BIOMASS

– email address for the reservations department

– phone number to the reservations department: +48 58 666-29-05 or +48 58 666 -29-10


When making a reservation, it is required to provide a card for guarantee or pay through the payment link.




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